Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Real O.C." Guy Really Arrested

streamyx wireless under: ,

Slade Smiley from streamyx setup Real Housewives of Orange County" streamyx reseller yes, there are guys on that show -- was picked up by Costa Mesa PD today on a civil contempt warrant. We're told Smiley was popped this afternoon and is currently being held on $10,000 bail....


Friday, February 20, 2009

Martin ONeill uses homegrown to outwit Chelsea

Martin O'Neill thumbed pay streamyx pack streamyx plan Top Trumps featuring football managers...

Since businesses and consumers have very different functions, it follows that streamyx 118 Internet connection needs wouldn't be the same either. DSL is a viable option for both businesses and consumers. However there is a broad range of services that DSL offers. Fortunately, DSL is not a one size fits all type of deal. Instead, options are customizable depending on your needs.

Consumer Internet Uses

Anybody who has an Internet connection at home- which at this point is most people in North America- knows what consumer Internet needs are. These are the streamyx help line that you do on the Internet on a daily basis. Some activities are common among all users such as checking your email or Facebook account. These days, most people also streamyx promo music from sites like iTunes, or watch movies on YouTube.

Since the majority of consumers are using the Internet for downloading music, videos and other multi-media, they need to have the streamyx appointment to support this. High bandwidth and high transfer rates are essential to making the consumer Internet experience successful.

Rarely do consumers streamyx complain the Internet for uploading. Yes, occasionally people will streamyx office their photos to Flickr or make a video of themselves singing along to their favorite song on YouTube. But generally speaking, consumers don't upload data nearly as much as they download it.

Consumer Internet

DSL providers have streamyx lagging up with a way to give consumers streamyx pc what they need without wasting bandwidth by giving them more than they will actually use. streamyx vista consumers download more than they upload, it makes sense that they would have more download bandwidth than upload bandwidth. This is where ADSL comes in.

ADSL streamyx for business for Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line. The asymmetrical part of ADSL is that the download and upload bandwidths and transfer rates are not equal- they're asymmetrical. Download rates are around 8 Mbit/s whereas upload speeds are only 1 Mbit/s. This difference accounts for the fact that most consumers download far more than they upload. So instead of wasting space on something consumers don't use, DSL providers give them more of what they do use.

Business Internet Uses

Businesses, whether they are small, medium-sized or huge corporations use more bandwidth than consumers. Hence, their Internet needs vary greatly from that of the consumer. Since businesses are doing business, they need to interact with their customers and therefore need to be able to upload information. Web sites become a gateway for businesses to interact with their clients.

On a daily basis businesses will upload forms, movies, pictures, data, articles and everything else that has to do with their business. Depending on the size of the business, this can amount to a lot of information uploaded every single day.

Like consumers, businesses are also downloading tons of information. In order to keep in contact with clients they need to have access to their information. This may be as simple as online form, or it may be more complicated like downloading entire presentations or video conferences from another branch. Whatever the use is, businesses need just as much bandwidth and speed for uploading as they do for downloading.

Business Internet

With their needs being so different, it wouldn't make sense for businesses to have the same type of DSL services that consumers use. To meet the demands of businesses that need large bandwidth for both downloading and uploading, DSL providers have come up with SDSL.

SDSL is another form of DSL, where the 'S' stands for Symmetrical. Instead of having different upload and download transfer rates as with ADSL, SDSL offers transfer rates that are the same for both uploading and downloading. In this way, SDSL caters to the need for businesses to both upload and download at high rates.

No matter what your needs, if you're a consumer just wanting to watch some funny videos on YouTube, or if you run a business that needs to upload information every day, there is a DSL service that is right for you.

Saleh Tousi is the CEO of SmarttNet, a Vancouver IT company offering comprehensive business Internet services including business DSL since 1995.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Setting Up a Live Broadcast on the Internet

Broadcasting live content over streamyx today Internet isn't as difficult as people would think. In fact, it's extremely easy. All you need is an audio streamyx for business video source, a way of getting streamyx toll free audio or video to streamyx xom PC, a free software program supplied by Microsoft, and enough upload bandwidth to cover streamyx youtube broadcasting of the content.

In this tutorial, I'll attempt to teach you what you need to know so you can broadcast your content over the Internet. I'll primarily show you audio only, but you'll see how easy it is to do video as you progress through this tutorial.

As this is a text only tutorial, you will want to download the free software from Microsoft, and go through the configuration while you read this tutorial. Don't panic streamyx price It's really easy to do. Don't let the length of this tutorial scare you away. The rewards of having your live broadcast up and running should keep you motivated to stick streamyx website it.

The only slightly complicated part of this tutorial is to do with your firewall. Due to the number of firewalls out there, I'll be very generic in my approach to telling you what you need to do. I'll explain this in streamyx logo detail later in the tutorial.

Let's Start

First things first. You need to set up your audio source. In this example I'm using a radio scanner to broadcast Live Police from a radio scanner.

I basically have the radio scanner plugged into my PC's sound card with a cable roughly 2 metres (7 Feet) in length with a 3.5mm mono plug on each end. Of course the length of cable is up to you. Note: if you are broadcasting music, you'll want to use a cable that has stereo plugs instead of mono plugs. You'll also want to ensure your plugs on the cable match the audio device, Some devices may use a 2.5mm plug instead of 3.5mm. If you are broadcasting voice only, mono plugs are better as it ensures sound comes out of both speakers for the listener.

Plug the cable in so that one end plugs into the headphone socket of your audio device, and the other end plugs into the Microphone socket of your sound card on your PC.

Now go to the Microsoft website and download the Windows Media Encoder 9 software. It's free. It's approximately 9.5MB.The software is located at

Once you've installed the software, go ahead and start it. You'll be presented with the setup wizard. Highlight the option named Broadcast a Live Event and click OK.

You'll now be in the window where you can streamyx homepage your audio source and/or video source. If you were setting up video, you would leave both items ticked, however in this example, we're just going to do audio so go ahead and untick the video option. Under the audio option use the drop down box and choose your sound card from the list. Then click the configure button.

In the audio properties window the only thing you really need to change is the option called Pin Line. In the Drop down box, choose Microphone. Of course you can also use Line In, but you need to ensure you've plugged the cable into the Line In of your sound card.

So far it's pretty easy right? streamyx announcement it or not, there's not a great deal more to do.

Let's continue shall we

Just click OK and then Next.

If you've followed the tutorial so far, you should be in a window where you can choose a broadcast method. Click on the radio box next to Pull from the encoder and click on the Next button.

In the field labeled Http Port, pick a common port like 8080. You'll thank me later. Many firewalls on routers have rules already set up for port 8080 and it makes it a lot easier to configure. It also allows maximum availability to the masses due to it being a common proxy port number. Go ahead and click Next.

Next we need to configure the encoding options. Go to the drop down box and choose Multiple Bit Rates audio (CBR). In the Bit rate section, choose 19kb/s. Note: Ensure you untick all the other bit rates. The only bit rate you want ticked is 19kb/s. This bit rate should be a good compromise between quality and bandwidth consumption for streaming voice quality. If you want to stream something like music, you may want to choose a higher bit rate. MP3 audio tends to be around 128kb/s but remember the higher bit rate you use, the more upload bandwidth will be required.

For an idea of bandwidth usage, you can have roughly 40 concurrent listeners on a 1mb/s upload bandwidth using 19kb/s. This will leave you with about 250kb/s for doing other things on the internet. The more concurrent listeners you have, the more powerful CPU you'll require, but from experience, you don't need a high powered CPU. The Live Police scanner at my website has a maximum of 40 concurrent listeners on a 1.7GHz CPU with 1 free streamyx of memory and runs beautifully. And yes, I have reached 40 concurrent users at once.

Let's continue

Click the Next button, and then click it again so we skip the Archive section.

Here we'll type in some text about the audio. When people listen to the stream using their Windows Media Player, it will scroll this information to the listener.

Once you've typed in the Display Information click the Finish button instead of the Next button. You'll get a pop up dialog box that tells you about IP blocking. Just ignore this for now and click OK.

That wasn't that hard was it. Believe it or not, we're done. Well, almost.

Windows Media Encoder only allows a maximum of 5 concurrent listeners by default, so if you want to have more than 5 you can make a small windows registry change on your PC which will allow up to 50 connections.

Warning: Changing the registry can be hazardous to your operating system if you change or delete the wrong thing. If you aren't confident doing this yourself, get someone that knows what they're doing to help you out. I can't be held responsible if you mess it up, and can't boot back into your operating system. Now, having said that, it's a very easy to make the change so you shouldn't have a problem. Follow the instructions at the end of this document, only if you want to allow more than 5 concurrent listeners. If you're happy with 5 listeners, then we're almost done.

If you've followed the tutorial up until now, you will have an audio source with a cable going from the headphone socket to the Microphone socket of your sound card in your PC. You will have your Windows Media Encoder totally configured and be raring to go. Just ensure you save the configuration on the Windows Media Encoder so you can load it at any time.

One more minor speed bump to get over and you'll be broadcasting to the world. This is the part that can be a little complicated though. I'll attempt to give you the basics you'll need to get your live broadcast up and running.
We'll break this down into two parts. Configuring your firewall, and working out your IP address so you can give it out to your listeners.

Configuring your firewall

If you are using a software firewall such as Zone Alarm, it's dead simple to configure. Basically, you just run the Windows Media Encoder and click the Start Encoding button. When you do this your firewall should prompt you asking if you will allow the connections. Just choose YES to all the questions. It needs access to the Internet, as well as needs to run as a server.

If you have a hardware firewall such as one that is built into your ADSL modem/router, then it gets a little more complicated. What you need to do is go into the configuration of the modem/router, and find the section labeled Firewall. In that section you'll be able to configure firewall rules to either Allow and Deny connections. The section may be called something similar to packet filter. Consult your manual to find out exactly where you need to make the changes.

Once you've located the correct section, you'll need to configure it so that the source ports range from 0 to 65535. The destination port range should be 8080 to 8080 if you followed my tutorial. Ensure Inbound and Outbound traffic is also allowed.

Note, some modem/routers might already have port 8080 configured. If your modem/router does already have this configured, then ignore the above because it sounds like you're already configured to allow the necessary connections.

How to connect to the broadcast

The URL to give to people is mms://:8080 where is whatever your public IP address happens to be. You need to ensure it's the address your ISP gives utorrent streamyx since people from the Internet will be connecting to it. If you aren't sure what your IP address is, you can get your IP address by visiting a site on the internet such as As soon as the site loads, your IP address will be at the top of the page in huge print. Simply replace with the actual IP address and your done.

Ensure you don't use the < and > brackets in the URL though. It should look like mms:// except use your IP address.

That's it. I hope your head didn't explode

The only thing left to do now is adjust your audio source levels so that the audio meter stays mainly in the green. You can experiment by connecting to the stream yourself, and by putting the mms URL above into your browser's address bar and pressing enter. Your Windows Media Player should open and try and connect to the broadcast.

Note: If you aren't able to connect to the broadcast, only play with the firewall settings, and not the encoder. Ensure you have the START ENCODING button pressed on the encoder to ensure its running. If all has gone well, you should be listening to your broadcast over the Internet. Give that URL out to your visitors.

To increase the maximum number of direct connections

1. In Registry Editor, use the tree view to navigate to the following subkey:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Media ToolsEncoderMaxClientConnections

2. Edit the subkey so that it reflects the maximum number of direct connections you want to allow. The maximum possible number is 50.

Caution Incorrectly editing the registry can severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

Geoff Leff runs a Live Police scanner feed at and also runs

Setting Up a Live Broadcast on the Internet

Broadcasting live content over the Internet isn't as difficult as people would think. In fact, it's extremely easy. All you need is an audio or video source, a way of getting the audio or video to the PC, a free software program supplied by Microsoft, and enough upload bandwidth to cover the broadcasting of the content.

In this tutorial, I'll attempt to teach you what you need to know so you can broadcast streamyx settings content over the Internet. I'll primarily show you audio only, but you'll see how easy it is to do video as you progress through this tutorial.

As this is a text only tutorial, you will want to download the free software streamyx aztech Microsoft, and go through the configuration while you read this tutorial. Don't panic though. It's really easy to do. Don't let the length of this tutorial scare you away. The rewards of having your live broadcast up and running should keep you motivated to stick with it.

The only slightly complicated part of this tutorial is to do with your firewall. Due to the number of firewalls out there, I'll be very generic in my approach to telling you what you need to do. I'll explain this in further detail later in the tutorial.

Let's Start

First things first. You need to set up your audio source. In this example I'm using a radio scanner to broadcast Live Police from a radio scanner.

I basically have the radio scanner plugged into my PC's sound card with a cable roughly 2 metres (7 Feet) in length with a 3.5mm mono plug on each end. Of course the length of cable is up to you. Note: if you are broadcasting music, you'll want to use a cable that has stereo plugs instead of mono plugs. You'll also want to ensure your plugs on the cable match the audio device, Some devices may use a 2.5mm plug instead of 3.5mm. If you are broadcasting voice only, mono plugs are better as it ensures sound comes out of both speakers for the listener.

Plug the cable in so that one end plugs into the headphone socket of your audio device, and the other end plugs into the Microphone socket of your sound card on your PC.

Now go to the Microsoft website and download the Windows Media Encoder 9 software. It's free. It's approximately 9.5MB.The software is located at

Once you've installed the software, go ahead and start it. You'll be presented with the setup wizard. Highlight the option named Broadcast a Live Event and click OK.

You'll now be in the window where you can choose your audio source and/or video source. If you were setting up video, you would leave both items ticked, however in this example, we're just going to do audio so go ahead and untick the video option. Under the audio option use the drop down box and choose your sound card from the list. Then click the configure button.

In the audio properties window the only thing you really need to change is the option called Pin Line. In the Drop down box, choose Microphone. Of course you can also use Line In, but you need to ensure you've plugged the cable into the Line In of your sound card.

So far it's pretty easy right? Believe it or not, there's not a great deal more to do.

Let's continue shall we

Just click OK and then Next.

If you've followed the tutorial so far, you should be in a window where you can choose a broadcast method. Click on the radio box next to Pull from the encoder and click on the Next button.

In the field labeled Http Port, pick a common port like 8080. You'll thank me later. Many firewalls on routers have rules already set up for port 8080 and it makes it a lot easier to configure. It also allows maximum availability to the masses due to it being a common proxy port number. Go ahead and click Next.

Next we need to configure the encoding options. Go to the drop down box and choose Multiple Bit Rates audio (CBR). In the Bit rate section, choose 19kb/s. Note: Ensure you untick all the other bit rates. The only bit rate you want ticked is 19kb/s. This bit rate should be a good compromise between quality and bandwidth consumption for streaming voice quality. If you want to stream something like music, you may want to choose a higher bit rate. MP3 audio tends to be around 128kb/s but remember the higher bit rate you use, the more upload bandwidth will be required.

For an idea of bandwidth usage, you can have roughly 40 concurrent listeners on a 1mb/s upload bandwidth using 19kb/s. This will leave you with about 250kb/s for doing other things on the internet. The more concurrent listeners you have, the more powerful CPU you'll require, but from experience, you don't need a high powered CPU. The Live Police scanner at my website has a maximum of 40 concurrent listeners on a 1.7GHz CPU with 1 gig of memory and runs beautifully. And yes, I have reached 40 concurrent users at once.

Let's continue

Click the Next button, and then click it again so we skip the Archive section.

Here we'll type in some text about the audio. When people listen to the stream using their Windows Media Player, it will scroll this information to the listener.

Once you've typed in the Display Information click the Finish button instead of the Next button. You'll get a pop up dialog box that tells you about IP blocking. Just ignore this for now and click OK.

That wasn't that hard was it. Believe it or not, we're done. Well, almost.

Windows Media Encoder only allows a maximum of 5 concurrent listeners by default, so if you want to have more than 5 you can make a small windows registry change on your streamyx adsl streamyx test will allow up to 50 connections.

Warning: Changing the registry can be hazardous to your operating system if you change or delete the wrong thing. If you aren't confident doing this yourself, get someone that knows what they're doing to help you out. I can't be held responsible if you mess it up, and can't boot back into your operating system. Now, having said that, it's a very easy to make the change so you shouldn't have a problem. Follow the instructions at the end of this document, only if you want to allow more than 5 concurrent listeners. If you're happy with 5 listeners, then we're almost done.

If you've followed the tutorial up until now, you will have an audio source with a cable going from the headphone socket to the Microphone socket of your sound card in your PC. You will have your Windows Media Encoder totally configured and be raring to go. Just ensure you save the configuration on the Windows Media Encoder so you can streamyx linksys it at any time.

One more minor speed bump to get over and you'll be broadcasting to the world. This is the part that can be a little complicated though. I'll attempt to give you the basics you'll need to get your live broadcast up and running.
We'll break this down into two parts. Configuring your firewall, and working out your IP address so you can give it out to your listeners.

Configuring your firewall

If you are using a software streamyx connection such as Zone Alarm, it's dead simple to configure. Basically, you just run the Windows Media Encoder and click the Start Encoding button. When you do this your firewall should prompt you asking if you will allow the connections. Just choose YES to all the questions. It needs access to the Internet, as well as needs to run as a server.

If you have a hardware firewall such as one that is built into your ADSL modem/router, then it gets a little more complicated. What you need to do is go into the configuration of the modem/router, and find the section labeled Firewall. In that section you'll be able to configure firewall rules to either Allow and Deny connections. The section may be called something similar to packet filter. Consult your manual to find out exactly where you need to make the changes.

Once you've located the correct section, you'll need to configure it so that the source ports range from 0 to 65535. The destination port range should be 8080 to 8080 if you followed my tutorial. Ensure Inbound and Outbound traffic is also allowed.

Note, some modem/routers might already have port 8080 configured. If your modem/router does already have this configured, then ignore the above because it sounds like you're already configured to allow the necessary connections.

How to connect to the broadcast

The URL to give to people is mms://:8080 where is whatever your public IP address happens to be. You need to ensure it's the address your ISP gives you, since people from the Internet will be connecting to it. If you aren't sure what your IP address is, you can get your IP address by visiting a site on the internet such as As soon as the site loads, your IP address will be at the top of the page in huge print. Simply replace with the actual IP address and your done.

Ensure you don't use the < and > brackets in the URL though. It should look like mms:// except use your IP address.

That's it. I hope your head didn't explode

The only thing left to do now is adjust your audio source levels so that the audio meter stays mainly in the green. You can experiment by connecting to the stream yourself, and by putting the mms URL above into your browser's address bar and pressing enter. Your Windows Media Player should open and try and connect to the broadcast.

Note: If you aren't able to connect to the broadcast, only play with the firewall settings, and not the encoder. Ensure you have the START ENCODING button pressed on the encoder to ensure its running. If all has gone well, you should be listening to your broadcast over the Internet. Give that URL out to your visitors.

To increase the maximum number of direct connections

1. In Registry Editor, use the tree view to navigate to the following subkey:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Media ToolsEncoderMaxClientConnections

2. Edit the subkey so that it reflects the maximum number of direct connections you want to allow. The maximum possible number is 50.

Caution Incorrectly editing the registry can severely damage your system. Before making changes to the registry, you should back up any valued data on the computer.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

Geoff Leff runs a Live Police scanner feed at and also runs

Committee member offers to stand in Bukit Gantang

IPOH: Bukit Gantang Umno division committee member Kapt (rtd) Abdul Razak Baba has offered himself as a candidate for the up-coming streamyx account in the parliamentary constituency.

Abdul Razak, 49, said he was the perfect candidate to be fielded by Barisan Nasional as he was well supported by all communities in the constituency.

“I have good relations with the Malay, Indian and Chinese communities there,” Abdul Razak said here yesterday.

Abdul Razak said his advantage over other candidates was his vast knowledge in various fields.

“I’m confident I can win the seat if chosen,” said the Changkat Jering-born father of two.

Abdul Razak said he had submitted an application letter offering his candidacy to Prime Minister streamyx email Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Dr Zambry Abd Kadir and Bukit Gantang Umno division chief Datuk Rosli Husin on Feb 13.

The death of Bukit Gantang incumbent MP Roslan Shaharum on Feb 9 has paved the way for the by-election on April 7.

The Election Commission has set March 29 as the nomination day.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Abdullah promises ‘effective spending’ in stimulus package

KUCHING: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi wants effective spending?for all the streamyx password provided under the governments stimulus package.

He said this was jaring streamyx ensure that the people benefited from the approved projects and allocations.

This is our promise to the people,?he added when launching the Tanjung Manis Halal Hub in Mukah Division in central Sarawak yesterday.

Sarawak has earmarked 16,000 hectares of land for the halal hub project, the countrys biggest.

Grub hub: Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation general manager Datuk Len Talif Salleh (second from right) showing Abdullah, Taib (second from left) and Second Minister of Planning and Resource Management Datuk Awang Tengah Ali Hasan (right) a model of the Tanjung Manis Halal Hub.

Abdullah asked Sarawak to implement as quickly as possible its approved projects under the RM7bil stimulus package to spur the economy. Some 70% of the RM7bil allocation has been disbursed.

He said the government would announce additional funds for the stimulus package during the current Parliament session.

On the halal hub project, Abdullah advised the state government to prepare early to provide comprehensive skills training at all levels to the locals so that they could be absorbed into the various industries and factories once these are operational.

He said skills training institutions should be set up in Tanjung Manis to provide convenience to the locals to be trained.

Earlier in his speech, Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud said the factories to be set up in the hub would produce halal food for the export markets.

Taib said the halal hub was part of the development of the Sarawak Corridor for Renewal Energy (Score), which would require RM6bil for its infrastructure development.

With the infrastructure, many areas including in the interiors would be opened up for development, such as hydro projects,?he said.

Taib added that the federal government had approved RM300mil to develop the proposed Samalaju Industrial Park within Score in Bintulu Division.